Monday, October 25, 2010

HongKong Macau ShenZhen Oct 1st-8th with buddies; Shaun, Sohjunhao, Raymond

Let the pictures talk, i wouldn't elaborate much about those fun 8 days we had in 3 countries. I took about 1000plus photos and afew videos.
太懒惰 to upload everything about these fun trip (sorry i know i repeated)

真的太好玩了!香港 澳门 深圳
Hong Kong is really a city which never sleep. 半夜一两点到任何角落还是人山人海,五颜六色灯光的马路。Everyday is 吃饱逛 逛饱吃。Shopping everyday and cant even finish shopping!!!!
对了,我吃到我人生中最好吃的 叉烧饭 云吞面。 singapore 输到...没话说
Refer to this official hong kong website if there is any places you would like to know more!

Day 1 Lantau Island (and shopping centres around there). Famous buddha.Day 2 Avenue of stars (and places around there), whereby one can also view the building scenery across the river. Famous dessert shop everywhere around Hong Kong.Day 3 Victoria peak Madame TussaudsStunning view. Strong wind. Hong Kong is beautifulDay 4 Macau 澳门 well known for its fake Venice structure. 假的威尼斯 by 船,早上去晚上回香港。a place at Macau called 大三巴Day 5 Hong Kong Disneyland! We were lucky as we went on their Halloween period and they had special Halloween theme everyday. Day 6 Lai King 箂景,Jordan佐鄧(奴人街)and many more...
Best 叉烧饭 烧鹅饭 烧猪饭 烧鸭饭
Day 7 准备离开香港 去 深圳看见这对结婚夫妇 from our hotel。 注意 那个车牌! Reached Shen Zhen by 火车. Had shopping and similar scenario as Hong Kong, 逛不完!没时间。我们住的地方真的太太太好玩了。 Day 8 Cocoa park 购物公园(深圳其中一个地铁的名字)should be shopping park 嘛At Shen Zhen airport, really cant bear to depart from Shen Zhen.