Tuesday, April 27, 2010

sad or happy?

a good close friend.
he just shared with me a thing which make me as troubled as him. this story should be happening the opposite actually.

both of us dont really use facebook because we know it's wasting our time.
but his mother has been addicted to such thing, facebook since 2 weeks ago
from the time she wake up till lunch then after lunch continue till dinner then after dinner till sleep, she use facebook. i was shocked after knowing this.
his mother's friends are all playing as well. some of them uses till forgot to cook for their kids.

almost in a state of 走火入魔
awhile ago my friend teaches her to click this and that for eg. in a instance, his mum lift her hand from the mouse and uses her hand to PRESS the screen. my friend told me this, he feel a sudden sadness...?

he feel sad. i feel sad too.
but he said something which i agreeed too. at this age seeing her playing till so happy smile smile laugh laugh should be happy for her instead?

19 - 21 April class chalet

a fun chalet!

why i say money is everything

watch this whole video and would be more enlightened



money is power.

Monday, April 12, 2010


sad to say

money makes the world turn

money can control everything

money can turn black to white and white to black

everything is on money

money is everything

2nd april 2010 (good friday) cafe del mar with wj wl jh

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

30th march 2010 bugis with TJH

28th march 2010 henderson bridge with wl jh wj

23rd march 2010 marina barrage with tjh

nice pictures took together with TJH using our DSLRs.